Sunday, November 21, 2010

...I Probably Shouldn't Have Said That?

This is going to be short because I have to take a nap write a paper.  I promise a longer entry soon.  With poorly-drawn pictures!

Last night, Ryan and I had a coupon for a Chinese restaurant downtown.  We had to wait a very long time for a table, so naturally we were both getting pretty racist hungry.  When I’m racist hungry, my brain to mouth filter starts to malfunction.  I was already on a role of saying stupid stuff since, one night earlier, Ryan had seen my non-filtered ambien mode. 

Ryan: I made chili, do you want a bite?

Me: I hate chili.

**Takes bowl from Ryan and eats all of the chili**

Me: I hate chili.

**Begins conversation with lamp**

Anyway, we finally got a table at the restaurant, filter mode was off, and Ryan decided to bring up WWII.

Ryan: So what do you feel was accomplished in WWII?

Me: What?

Ryan: You said you enjoyed talking about something serious.  WWII is serious right?

Me: Uh, yeah.  I guess it is.  What did I feel was accomplished in WWII?

Ryan: Yeah.

Me:  Well, we stopped Germany from becoming a world super power, and also it led to the basic plot scenario for Saving Private Ryan. Basically, it is now the plot for about 80% of all movies and video games.  WWII was probably the greatest thing to ever happen to us.

Someday soon I am going to get shot in the face by a veteran a stern talking to.


PS  I'm not racist at all, and I think WWII was awful, so please don't yell at me.


  1. Well you won't get it from me! Lucky you! =p

  2. HAHA. I mean, where would the film industry BE if it weren't for WWII?

  3. Exactly. We would have hit the zombie era about 50 years ago, and we'd currently be stuck making film adaptations of Dr. Seuss stories. Right?


  4. This is hilarious, I say many a stupid thing while under the influence of ambian. Don't feel bad, we all think it.

  5. I have a strange fascination with all things WWII. Which is kind of morbid and creepy. But I confess to it.

  6. I'm sorry I left you appalled.

    But I am glad someone else understands doing dumb things on ambien.

  7. There were also a lot of really un-serious things about wwii. I like writing about the weird weapons, I just wrote about an aircraft carrier that they made out of ice. Pretty freakin' weird. IT was called project habakkuk, check it out

  8. Is it wrong that I don't much of anything about any war?? I get them all mixed up and it's effing confusing. I try really very hard to not say a word during conversations where American history is in conversation. YOu know it's bad when Mexicans know more about our country than I do. FAIL.

  9. This really tickled me, the way you write is hilarious!

  10. I find the longer I sit in an ethnic restaurant the more racist I become toward that particular ethnicity. Too bad there's not an idiot ethnicity that I could just hate all the time.

  11. If it really was the greatest movie inspiring event of all time, why did Saving Private Ryan lose to Shakespeare in Love for Best Picture? Why?
    Oh, the humanity!

  12. hahah omgosh, i'm sure we've all said a few things we've cringed at ourselves for lately.

    thanks for stopping by my blog, i don't get to travel nearly as much as i would like!

  13. *gasp* I can't imagine a world without the Band of Brothers TV Miniseries, lol. Great blog, by the way!

  14. Hahaha... Cute blog, and HILARIOUS POST! I am also not racist...


  15. Bahaha. Ah, filter malfunctions. Story of my life. :)

  16. I LOVE your logic on WWII. In fact, that's probably the smartest, most objective thing I've ever read about it. :)

  17. wow...i think i've had that conversation before....

  18. That's freaking awesome! I hate chili and then you proceed to eat it! You're right the freaking no filter thing from brain to mouth should be a disease, it's real!

  19. Lol oh my. I feel like I shouldn't be chuckling but I am anyway.

  20. This is awesome. First, I believe filters are for coffee...they make life boring and less fun. Second, you forgot to mention that Hitler made the very ugly Charlie Chaplin mustache highly unfashionable.

  21. I'm not gonna yell at all. Your logic on WWII is, well, uh.. Logical!! :)

    And I hate chili too.

  22. I think I have a bit of a crush on you. I lov e how your mind works!

  23. I am flattered...I think. Unless you're a serial killer. In that case...well, I'm still flattered. Nevermind.

