Last night, Ryan and I had a coupon for a Chinese restaurant downtown. We had to wait a very long time for a table, so naturally we were both getting pretty
Ryan: I made chili, do you want a bite?
Me: I hate chili.
**Takes bowl from Ryan and eats all of the chili**
Me: I hate chili.
**Begins conversation with lamp**
Anyway, we finally got a table at the restaurant, filter mode was off, and Ryan decided to bring up WWII.
Ryan: So what do you feel was accomplished in WWII?
Me: What?
Ryan: You said you enjoyed talking about something serious. WWII is serious right?
Me: Uh, yeah. I guess it is. What did I feel was accomplished in WWII?
Ryan: Yeah.
Me: Well, we stopped Germany from becoming a world super power, and also it led to the basic plot scenario for Saving Private Ryan. Basically, it is now the plot for about 80% of all movies and video games. WWII was probably the greatest thing to ever happen to us.
Someday soon I am going to get
PS I'm not racist at all, and I think WWII was awful, so please don't yell at me.